
We are working on a grid-based game, i.e. entities move round in discrete cells. So the grid is a central concept. Its most difficult issue is the dependence between the grid and its entities. We seem to need two cyclically dependent classes:

Classes Grid and Entity, dependent on each other

The Grid class depends on the Entity class because the grid contains entities. The Entity class depends on the Grid class because each entity needs to know where it is in the grid.

One possibility is to accept the cyclic dependency. That leads to considerable awkwardnesses and complexities, not least because many more classes join the cyclic group over time. Another possibility is for entities to be moved around by the grid, instead of moving themseves around. That is a direct violation of the object oriented principle that objects should be autonomous, looking after themselves.

The best approach appears to be to make the grid generic. It is a grid of anything, rather than a grid of entities. To put it another way, the grid should make no assumptions about the Entity class and, in particular, make no method calls on entity objects. There is no better way to express this than to use Java's generic class facilities:

class Grid<E> {

In a way, this is odd, because the parameter E is only ever going to be replaced by Entity and not any other class. Nevertheless, it is the best way to get the compiler to enforce a lack of dependence on the Entity class. Defining your own generic classes can create various problems but, with care, it makes a lot of sense, especially for framework classes.

To make the grid 2.5D, we can make each cell into a list of entities from front to back. We are likely to want to access both the frontmost and backmost entities, so a double-ended queue using the Deque class seems easiest. That means we want:

class Grid<E> {
    private Deque<E>[][] cells;

    ... cells = new Deque<E>[w][h];

Unfortunately, there are restrictions on Java's generics, which are a historic result of generics being bolted onto Java relatively late on. So the code above causes a warning message from the compiler. It is not a good idea to ignore the warning, because it may be hiding other problems in the code. This is awkward to get round, but the best way seems to be this:

private void newArray() { cells = new Deque[w][h]; }

The class Deque on its own is effectively Deque<Object>. It is worth noting that this problem with new Deque<E>[w][h] is not directly a result of making the grid class generic. If we didn't make the grid class generic, the same problem would arise with new Deque<Entity>[w][h]. So this idiom for solving the problem is worth knowing about. We have achieved this:

The Entity class depending on the Grid class

One other advantage of making the grid generic, as well as solving the dependency problem, is that it is now very clear that the grid class ought to be general, not depending on any details of our specific game (e.g. not having a particular fixed size). It is effectively just a two-dimensional array of lists of objects. So the Grid class can be regarded as a framework class (indicated by its green colour in the class diagram).

How should a blank cell in the grid be represented? A lot of programmers would automatically use null. However, that is not very object oriented. Instead of having code which asks each object questions or tells it to act without knowing which kind of object it is, you have to write code which tests the object for being null first, before deciding what to do. It is much better to have explicit objects to represent blank cells - they are just objects with particularly simple behaviour.

It might be worth noting that although using nulls is often a bad idea in object oriented languages, it is far less of a problem in other languages. That is because in other languages you can make a call act(x) and act can test for x being null, whereas in an OO language, you can't make the equivalent call x.act() without testing for null first in the calling code. That leads to a non-DRY repetition of null-testing everywhere act is called.

Further information

If the grid were purely 2D, we would have something like this:

class Grid<E> {
    private E[][] cells;

    ... cells = new E[w][h];

Once again, generic warnings strike and we need a workaround, like this:

private void newArray() { cells = (E[][]) new Object[w][h]; }

Any developer can see that the cast from one type of array to another works because the array is empty, but the compiler can't. The SuppressWarnings annotation tells the compiler that we know what we are doing. The annotation should be used very sparingly, and only ever applied to a single statement or tiny method, so it is crystal clear what it applies to. It is possible to avoid the problem using, e.g. Map<Position,E> instead of an array, but that seems less natural than using an array. This suppression of warnings is an unnatural idiom, but it is Java's fault, not our fault for trying to do something too complex.