The Runway Language
where your programs take off
Ian Holyer

History of languages


* Concentrate on one family of languages, the OO ones

* Change one feature which is overdue for an upgrade

* Explore the consequences

OO languages in principle allow you to build complex programs from small, robust, bullet-proof components

Sources of ideas: Haskell, concurrency, teaching, design patterns, ... considered harmful


Here's a Java class that a beginner might write:

class Grid {

        char[][] cells;

        Grid(char[][] c) { cells = c; }

        char[][] getCells() { return cells; }


Fixing the Example

A Java class can be made robust:

class Grid {

        private char[][] cells;

        Grid(char[][] c) { cells = copy(c); }

        char[][] getCells() { return copy(cells); }


This is defensive copying


Getting the importance of this across to beginners is difficult:

A big shock

A little while after learning Java, I got a big shock

It isn't just beginner classes that are fragile:

You can break Java library classes

Breaking a hash table

Set<Item> set = new HashSet<>();

The hash code changed, the item is in the wrong slot

It is now a quantum hash table - the item is both in and not in the set - i.e. it is broken

This is very unlikely to happen, if it does, it is not just a bug, it is a cockroach


All languages are "the same", because they are all Turing Complete

But they differ in their psychological effect on program design and development

Arguably, Java has a bad psychological effect

It encourages a lack of robustness

The same (probably) applies to every other popular or potentially popular OO language

The problem: aliasing

An update via one pointer is visible via the other

Feature: anti-aliasing

In Runway, an assignment makes a copy

1  point p.set(1,2);
2  point q = p;
3  q.set(3,4);
4  assert(p.x == 1 && p.y == 2);

The copying is lazy

On line 2, q points to the same object as p

Copying happens on line 3 because q is "shared"


Lots of languages and libraries use related techniques - it is a ripe idea (C, C++, Rust, Swift, Immutable.js, ...) :

Runway just takes the idea to its logical conclusion

So: no pointers

Java has no pointer notation, but you have to understand pointers properly to use Java well

Runway has no pointers in its mental model = semantics

Pointers are just an optimization technique, used to cope with variable sizes or to save memory

So: no null

Languages have null as an accident of the pointer notation

The most common uses are as empty structures or cheap exceptions

A null structure is justified in procedural languages, but not in OO languages

So Runway has tagged unions and cheap exceptions

Notes: unions, exceptions whole program analysis

So: no identity

Some say that 'object identity' is an essential aspect of OO, but it is just an accident of pointers

Runway doesn't have it: identity comes from a contained id or by associating it with a key in a lookup structure

So Runway has value equality (hooray!)
(and perhaps key equality)

So: primitives

In Java, objects and primitives are different

In many languages, they are made the same by making primitives act like objects ("boxing")

In Runway, they are made the same by making objects act like primitives

So: no cycles

Pointing to o is the same as containing o

An object pointing to itself means containing itself

So it would be infinite

The lack of cycles has drastic consequences for program design and data structures, but they are well understood

So: no statics

A consequence of anti-aliasing is that static variables are out, because they have uncontrolled pointer aliasing:

Runway needs a different approach to global variables

Feature: anti-static

Question: What would you do without globals?

Answer: you would pass objects down in calls

Definition: making an object global is an abbreviation for passing it to all the descendants of its owner

Notes: scope, singletons, escape

So: no constructors

A constructor is static (because there isn't yet an object to call a method on)

Conventional constructors and the new keyword are 'considered harmful', because they don't obey inheritance rules, and because they expose implementation details

The phrase new Thing() prevents you from returning a recycled or shared object, or a subclassed object (hence factory patterns)

So Runway doesn't have conventional constructors

Feature: anti-new

point p;       // create p as a copy of a default
p.set(1,2);    // initialize its fields

When you declare a variable, it is initialized to a (lazy copy of a) default object

That object has uninitialized fields, so it can't be used until they are initialized

set is an ordinary method, but with the property of being a constructor



Here are some ways of creating a point:

point p = new point(3, 4);      // Java
var p = new point(3, 4);        // JavaScript
var p = point(3, 4);            // Swift
point p.set(3, 4);              // Runway

Runway's version is syntactically shortest

More importantly, it is semantically simplest

Class = type = object

int x, y;

set(x0, y0) { x = x0; y = y0; }

x() { return x; }
y() { return y; }

Is it a class? Is it a prototype? It's an object

Notes: names, private, singletons, inference

Feature: call by copy


The 'default' calling mechanism is call-by-copy (i.e. call-by-value in the deep functional-programming/formal-semantics sense, not the usual shallow OO sense)

So even if the window object is untrusted and updates the argument, the grid object remains robust

However delegation, where you trust the software you build on, is an important OO principle (for DRYness)

Feature: call by lend


The & means the method can update or replace xs

This is call-by-reference with a twist: the choice is made in the call, not in the method signature, e.g. if all calls are implemented by reference:

o.f(x)      -->     temp = x; o.f(&temp);

swap, sort, calls, dots, this, self

Feature: higher order calls

Runway will allow functions to be passed, but a function is always attached to an object as a method

The object is its closure (closures should not be a separate concept, as in JavaScript)

A function is passed as an object with a marked method (maybe explicitly like Java's ...(x::f))

There is syntactic, semantic and implementation work to do here (aliases, dispatch)


Arguably, there are two kinds of inheritance:

Java's extends inheritance is interface inheritance plus code/field reuse, and is considered harmful

Feature: subtypes

vehicle car;
car c;

Runway gives an absolute promise: c is a vehicle

statement theorem;
theorem t.set(s, p);

Maybe you could add methods, but not override them, or gain access to the private fields

Feature: properties

Runway has a notation for declaring properties, e.g.

constructor: set
getter: x, y

int x, y

set(x0, y0) { x = x0; y = y0; }

For constructor, the compiler can check

For getter, it can also generate boiler-plate code

Properties are necessary for robustness

Feature: delegation

delegate to r: width, height, area
rectangle r;

This is composition ('has-a') inheritance, close to subtype inheritance

(Possible optimisation in the implementation: extends)

Feature: interfaces

like vehicle: car
wheels() { return 4; }

Java problem: can't retro-fit interfaces in libraries

In Runway, any type can be used as an interface

Feature: reusability

area() { return width() * height(); }

The area method is reusable in any type that has width() and height()

like rectangle: window
reuse: area

Safe hash tables

getter: key;
type parameter: R
like record: R
new(R) { ... }

For a safe hash table, as well as anti-aliasing, the key method in the R type must be a getter, i.e. not cause an update to the record or read from a global variable

In Runway, properties are inherited as well as APIs

Memory shared threads

Memory sharing concurrency is diabolical:

The standards for C and Java define a 'lowest common denominator' of hardware support and are incredibly complex and obscure

The Java library sources have thread issues in nearly every class; that's not orthogonal or encapsulated

non-determinism, deadlock, livelock, starvation, ...

Message passing threads

Message passing provides a language in which to be explicit about and reason about concurrency problems

But it doesn't solve any of them

Arguably, a classic case of building a substantial theory around a broken idea

Feature: threads

An object can introduce a new thread

The thread 'owns' the object and all the data below it

Method calls on the object look normal, so the new thread is an annotation

Access to the result or an updated argument by the parent thread causes a synchronizing pause

This is message-passing concurrency


The intention is that the program with the thread annotation has identical functionality to the program without it

So, the concurrency can only be used for latency hiding

But that's enough for many purposes, including servers and graphics (graphics libraries always used to be threaded, but they have typically moved to the callback style, which is fairly diabolical)

Feature: events

Communications are handled via a very old concept: the single input stream of events

All events are in the stream, and the ordering is critical - it defines their relative timings

That means auto-dispatch to the right place is either banned or implemented with extreme care

So: still deterministic

Feature: injection

Non-determinism is handled by adding one feature:

The program can inject an event into the stream (at a time-dependent position)

You can replay a program from a recorded event stream

Then you can debug and (regression) test programs!

Thought experiments

Understanding of the system at the moment is based around thought experiments of possible programs:

Operating system

A program OS runs two other programs A and B as modules, not as separate processes

It needs A and B to run in their own threads

It needs to set up a 'fake' system environment of global variables and devices etc. separately for A and B

And it needs to unzip the event stream into two event streams

Splat the rat

Think of an X-Window style system:

The program sends a "hide rat" graphics request and asks for an acknowledgement to be injected into the event stream

The player wins if the click event comes before the acknowledgement


An update request, in its own thread, updates a copy of the database, and ends by injecting a 'new database version' event into the queue

Read requests after the injection see the new version

The update requests would have to be serialized

Or the database can be split into independent pieces to allow concurrent updating (like locking)

Or the updates could be merged, with retries (like speculative versioning)

Graphics library

There is much work to be done here, but there is a prospect of a much more sensible system than usual

Semantically sensible latency hiding may depend on splitting a window into independent subwindows which can be drawn on concurrently without interference